University Animal Care Committee (UACC)
The objectives of the University Animal Care Committee (UACC) include ensuring that the use of vertebrate animals at Queen's University meets or exceeds the standards of animal welfare established by the Animals for Research Act (Ontario), and the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC). In order to achieve this mission, the UACC has chosen to review all Queen’s University sanctioned activities involving live animals whether they are to occur on Queen’s property or otherwise**.
In order to facilitate this process, the UACC requires advanced notice of any proposed events. Although a full animal use protocol may not be required, the following information does need to be provided for review and final approval prior to any activities taking place.
- Date and time of activity
- Location of activity
- Species of animal to be involved
- Number of animals to be involved
- Justification for the use of live animals over alternatives
- Source of animal(s)
- Name(s) and training qualifications of handler(s )
- Transportation details
- Temporary housing details (type of enclosure, provision for food and water etc.)
- Clear indication of who will handle animals (i.e.: public interaction)
- Description of animal use
- Study endpoints (the length of time that animals will be involved from receipt to return)
- Potential animal stressors and prevention
- Humane endpoints (when an animal would be withdrawn from the activity due to stress and thesigns that would be indicative of the endpoint, including frequency of monitoring)
- Health & Safety concerns (pathogen risk, escape risk, safety considerations, PPE etc.)
- Additional information as relevant (i.e.: permits, insurance etc.)
The UACC Coordinator ( should be contacted when events are planned involving vertebrate animals. Requests should be submitted in a fashion that provides ample time for UACC review and potential request for clarification (at least 2 weeks prior to the event is recommended). Generally, the request for the use of live vertebrate animals in demonstrations will be reviewed by the UACC Subcommittee; however, certain circumstances may warrant full UACC review. Please note that a representative of the UACC may request the ability to attend the activity.
**As per the CCAC Terms of Reference for Animal Care Committees (2006)
The ACC should be aware of animal-based activities, such as commercial or recreational activities, within the institution, and should work with the persons responsible for these activities to ensure that animal care and use is undertaken according to appropriate procedures.
Date | New Version |
11/28/2012 | Policy Created and Approved |
05/21/2015 | Triennial Review; Reference to CCAC Terms of Reference for Animal Care Committees |
04/26/2018 | Triennial Review |
02/25/2021 | Triennial Review |
01/24/2024 | Triennial Review; New Format |