SOP 14.2 - Transport of Rodents on Campus

University Animal Care Committee Standard Operating Procedure

Document No: 14.2

Subject: Transport of Rodents on Campus

Date Issued: June 20, 2013

Revision: 3

Location: Queen’s University

Responsibility: Principal Investigators (PI), Research Staff, Veterinary Staff

Purpose: The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to describe the practice of intra-institutional transportation for rodent models.



Animal Care Services ACS, Principal Investigator PI, subcutaneous SC, intravenous IV, intraperitoneal IP, intramuscular IM, per os PO, per rectum PR

1. Introduction and Definitions:

Animals must be transported via the most expeditious route available while utilizing the least congested areas. All transportation of animals should be planned to minimize transit time and the risk of zoonoses, protect against exposure to environmental extremes, avoid overcrowding, provide food and water when indicated, and protect against physical trauma. Some transportation-related stress is inevitable, but it can be minimized by attention to these factors.

2. Materials:

  • Cart
  • Cage covers, disposable or sanitizable

3. Procedures

  • Transportation of animals and caging must follow biosafety protocols. Personnel are required to have the appropriate training.
  • Animals should be transported in their home cage with inverted water bottles (if used) to prevent leakage. Ensure the cage card is well affixed.
  • For a single cage, it is acceptable to drape the lids with a cage cover and carry the cage for short distances within the facility or between floors.
  • Transport multiple animals using a clean cart. Ensure that the cage covers are secured to the cage.
  • Load cages on lower tiers of the cart first. Do not stack cages, this can decrease air circulation and lead to instability on the cart.
  • The use of a soft, sanitizable object between the cage and cart is recommended to reduce the vibration from the cart.
  • For transportation between facilities, drape the loaded cart with a sanitizable or disposable cover. Facility gowns are not permitted for this use.
  • Transportation of caged animals through public areas is not permitted if other routes are available. If the animal(s) must be transported through public areas, the cage must be completely covered. This requirement reduces exposure of allergens and potential curiosity of the public. Empty cages must follow the same protocol.
  • Freight elevators must be utilized when transporting laboratory animals. Public passenger elevators should never be used when a freight elevator is available.
  • Approval to return animals to the facility must be granted in advance by Animal Care Services. All empty caging must be returned promptly to the appropriate designated area.

**The preferred method of transportation between facilities is the Animal Care Facility delivery van. This service can be scheduled through ACS.**

Date New Version
06/20/2013 Created
02/28/2019 Revised
12/06/2021 Revised
12/18/2024 Revised - changed format, updated wording


SOP 14.2 - Transport of Rodents on Campus

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