Scott Anderson, Deanna Bennett, Karen Bertrand, Michelle Fuko, Stephen Hornsby, Leigh Kalin


On behalf of the ALT, I want to acknowledge the considerable stress everyone feels because of the impact of the ongoing pandemic. 

For over a year, public health restrictions and guidelines to protect our health and the viability of our health-care system have fundamentally altered almost every aspect of our daily lives. Families and friends have been unable to connect with one another. Ontario is now under a stay-at-home order, and the most recent announcement that Ontario school children will not be returning to their classrooms this week means that caregivers of children on this team will once again try to balance childcare and remote-schooling with work commitments. 

The value we place on collegiality has perhaps never been more important than it is today. Thank you to everyone for all you have already done to support one another over the past year. This will undoubtedly continue as we move forward, but I encourage anyone who needs more help to please reach out to your manager to discuss options. Our HR team is also available.

We are all tired. And we all yearn for the time when the well-being of loved ones is protected, and stability is restored. Until that time comes, the simple but important message I want to deliver to each of you is that we see what you are dealing with, and you can count on us to support you. 

Do take care everyone. We will get through this.



Fiscal year-end is almost here

The fiscal year-end of Apr. 30 is fast approaching. Over the course of the month, many of us will have been engaged with planning our objectives and strategies for the upcoming year but we are also hoping you can help us successfully close out Fiscal Year, 2020-21. 

The last day to have all gifts, pledges, and pledge payments submitted for Fiscal 2020-21 reporting will be Friday, Apr. 30, by 3pm please.  If you will be in receipt of cheques or other donor documentation, please contact a member of Gift Services and we will aid in the contactless drop off at Old Meds. Gift Services will be on site on Apr. 27, 29, and 30, should you require any additional assistance with transactions slated for completion by year-end.   

If you are working with a donor who is looking to make a contribution through the US Foundation in the month of April, please contact Laura Leeman. We are currently experiencing delays in the US and Canadian postal systems, and we will be expediting the mail from our PO Box in Washington, DC in the month of April. The submission deadline for gifts to the US Foundation is Tuesday, Apr. 27. 
Please contact Christa Walsh if you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance as we seek a successful close to Fiscal 2020-21.  

Data Challenge survey

The results are in – and 100% of those who responded to the Advancement Data Challenge feedback survey rated the event Very Good to Excellent and would like it to be held again in the future.  Attendees shared how impressed they were with the range of topics and the unique approaches to solving problems with data. The intermission also shockingly received a few shout-outs (which we will tweak for next year!) Based on the feedback, your colleagues would like to see more individuals participate in a future challenge. With objective setting and planning underway, there has never been a better time to commit yourself to the next Advancement Data Challenge slated for Mar. 30, 2022. Thanks again to everyone who contributed to the success of the event.

2021 CCAE National Conference – Virtual

Despite a very successful virtual conference in 2020, there was a degree of guarded optimism that we might actually be able to meet in person for 2021 in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.  But if we’ve learned anything, it’s that this pandemic keeps us guessing. With the commitment to virtual, the 2021 CCAE National Conference committee has been busy planning an exciting online experience which runs from May 10 to June 30.

There is something for everyone, so please visit the main conference page to view the schedule. Of special note, our very own Michelle Fuko will be presenting on June 1 and the always entertaining Prix d’Excellence Celebration Awards will be held over the week of May 17.  The deadline for registering for the full conference package is Apr. 30.

Records and Information Management Awareness Month – Week 3 activity

By Cheyenne Litt, Data Stewardship Specialist

Thank you to all who participated in last week’s activity. It is great to see everyone getting involved and thinking about records management while working remotely.

This week, we are hosting a Records Retention Schedule Scavenger Hunt! To participate in this event, go to the Queen’s University Records Retention Schedules website and find the schedule for the record described below, then email your answer to Cheyenne Litt.

What is a Records Retention Schedule, you ask? The schedule serves as a formalized guideline for how long records should be retained in consideration of legal requirements and operational needs, including the frequency at which an organization's records should be disposed.  At Queen’s, the schedule is organized through a series of alpha-numeric codes based on types of records.

Here is your clue:
1. Identify the Record Retention Schedule that an Alumnus/Alumna profile on Advance falls under. Please submit the Record Retention Schedule Number (Activity + Record Series) and the total retention (years) this record must be retained for. [HINT: Record Retention Schedules that begin with “OP1000” are applicable to University Advancement, i.e. OP1100, OP1200, OP1300, and OP1400.]

Remember to submit your responses by end of the day on Friday, Apr. 23 for an entry into the draw for a $50 Wharf and Feather Gift Card (for Office of Advancement employees only)!

Save the date – Advancement Enhancement Day

We wanted to let you know that planning for Advancement Enhancement Day is well under way and we don’t want you to miss a moment of what we have up our sleeves. Please save the date – Wednesday, June 16, keep an eye out for the event hold. We cannot wait to see you there!

Your Advancement Enhancement Day Planning Committee,
Kate Bearse, Gage Benyon, Sarah Blayney Lew, Kymberly Cook, Maura Doyle, Natalie Shearer, Peggy Shanks, and Michelle White

Jobs with Advancement

We need your recruitment help. Know great talent that would be a good addition to our team? If so, please promote the vacancies below with your networks and let’s find some amazing new team members.

Applications (including a cover letter and résumé) must be submitted through CareerQ. For additional information on this posting, please reach out to either Carla or the hiring manager for the position you are interested in.

Available Position:

Senior Development Officer, Leadership Giving Annual Giving May 2, 2021 9
Service Desk Systems Specialist Advancement Services April 27, 2021 8

Fun Fact

Queen’s Motto – Cha Gheill! 

Cha Gheill, pronounced “kay yi-al,” is a Gaelic war cry. Gaelic was the language spoken by many Queen’s students of Scottish origin in the 19th century. Cha Gheill can be translated as “no surrender.” Nowadays this term is used by many Queen’s students and alumni to mean “Cheers!” or as a salutation at the end of their letters and greetings.

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