Academic integrity is at the heart of what we do at Queen’s. Aligned with Queen’s Strategy, we promote integrity in the work we do. In that line, we take responsibility for our actions; and respect our academic work, our peers, and the larger community. We are honest in our work and fair to ourselves and to the work of others.
It is central, for us, to follow the six fundamental values of academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage (ICAI, 2021), and thus increase the trust community invests in our academic credentials.
Promoting Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is an inseparable part of our academic work and training. Upholding academic integrity requires promoting it, preventing issues, and taking the best actions to address mistakes.
Addressing Departures from Academic Integrity
The Academic Integrity Procedures - Requirements of Faculties and Schools identifies steps to follow when we suspect an academic integrity departure. Following the steps is crucial for dealing with suspicions and ensuring procedural fairness.
Academic Integrity Forms and Email Templates
The Academic Integrity Procedures require specific information to be shared with the student during an investigation. To meet these requirements, standardized forms are used. While not required, instructors may also find it helpful to use the email templates below when contacting the student at different stages in the process.
Instructors are encouraged to consult their faculty or school's academic integrity administrator and/or academic integrity website to see if their school or faculty has customized versions of the forms to be used during an investigation.