Academic Calendar 2024-2025

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Search Results for "PPEC 200"

PPEC 200  Introduction to the Study of Politics, Philosophy, and Economics  Units: 3.00  
This course will emphasize the analysis of conceptual complementarities, the assessment of arguments, and the application of principles in factual contexts that are the focus of study within the disciplines of Politics, Philosophy, and Economics.
Learning Hours: 120 (24 Lecture, 12 Group Learning, 84 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite 12.0 units from (ECON 110/6.0, [ECON 111/3.0 and ECON 112/3.0], POLS 110/6.0*, [POLS 111/3.0 and POLS 112/3.0], PHIL at the 100-level).  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explain in words and illustrate with examples basic economic concepts that can have broader political or philosophical dimensions and applications. These concepts could include: comparative advantage; collective action problems; or Pareto efficiency.
  2. Distinguish different values relevant to the assessment of economic and political institutions, including: liberty; equality; or wellbeing.
  3. Describe and apply different philosophical approaches to these assessments, including consequentialist or rights-based approaches.
  4. Formulate arguments appealing to different normative standards (not just prosperity or practicality) for and against contemporary public and social policy proposals, which could include: international trade agreements; labour market regulations; or the creation of unconditional basic income guarantees.
  5. Identify and assess positions originating from different ideological and disciplinary perspectives, including positions students may find challenging to support.