Academic Calendar 2024-2025

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Search Results for "PHYS 334"

MTHE 334  Math Methods For Engrg & Phys  Units: 3.50  
Banach and Hilbert spaces of continuous- and discrete-time signals; spaces of continuous and not necessarily continuous signals; continuous-discrete Fourier transform; continuous-continuous Fourier transform; discrete-continuous Fourier transform; discrete-discrete Fourier transform; transform inversion using Fourier series and Fourier integrals.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: MTHE 212 (MATH 212), MTHE 281 (MATH 281) Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 28  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 14  
Engineering Design 0  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Constructing or verifying discrete- and continuous-times signals with prescribed behaviour in the time-domain.
  2. Constructing or verifying discrete- and continuous-times signals with prescribed behaviour in the frequency-domain.
  3. Understanding discrete- and continuous-time signal spaces with ∞- and Lp-norms.
  4. Understanding the four Fourier transforms and how they are related and not related.
  5. Understanding and explaining the role of Lebesgue measure in continuous-time signal analysis.
  6. Proving relationships between spaces of discrete- and continuous-time signals
PHYS 334  Electronics for Physicists  Units: 3.00  
The design of electronic circuits and systems, using commonly available devices and integrated circuits. The properties of linear circuits are discussed with particular reference to the applications of feedback; operational amplifiers are introduced as fundamental building blocks. Digital circuits are examined and the properties of the commonly available I.C. types are studied; their use in measurement, control and signal analysis is outlined. Laboratory work is closely linked with lectures and provides practical experience in the subjects covered in lectures.
Requirements: Prerequisite PHYS 239.  
Course Equivalencies: PHYS333, PHYS334  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science