Academic Calendar 2024-2025

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Search Results for "MECH 460"

MECH 460  Team Project-Conceive & Design  Units: 4.00  
Students working in teams will be required to conceive and design a product, system or process using the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier courses. Elements of the design will include: specification of function, analysis, selection of materials and/or components, preparation of working drawings, cost analysis and tenders, and preparation of preliminary design report. A research project may be accepted as an engineering design project provided it can be clearly shown that the elements of conceive and design are fulfilled in the completion of the project. Lectures and Guest Speakers will focus on related professional skills and topics including engineering ethics, professional organizations and legislation, intellectual property and information systems in support of the project.
K4(Lec: Yes, Lab: Yes, Tut: Yes)
Requirements: Prerequisites: MECH 321, MECH 323, MECH 328, MECH 346 and MECH 350, or in final year of MECH program. Corequisites: MECH 464 Exclusions:   
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 0  
Engineering Design 48  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identifies problem and constraints including health and safety risks, applicable standards, economic, environmental, cultural and societal considerations.
  2. Identifies key technical or scientific problems critical to achieving the design.
  3. Develops detailed specifications and metrics incorporating performance requirements, constraints, assumptions, and other stated and unstated factors from all stakeholders relevant to the specific application.
  4. Creates processes for solving these problems including the selection and application of suitable models and an assessment of the validity of results.
  5. Uses an appropriate process to apply knowledge, ingenuity and judgement for creating and assessing design options to select an optimal design. The outcome is a feasible design.
  6. Selects appropriate resources, techniques, tools and processes to realize the design.
  7. Critically evaluates trade-offs among goals, criteria, functional requirements, constraints, etc.,with logical well reasoned and defensible arguments (may include tools such as; Pros/Cons, WEM, QFD, etc.)
  8. Identifies, critically evaluates, and incorporates relevant information regardless of format using self-determined criteria based on experience, inquiry, and the identified literature.
  9. Demonstrates capacity for initiative and technical or team leadership while respecting others' roles.
  10. Demonstrates punctuality, responsibility and appropriate communication etiquette.
  11. Critically evaluates trade-offs among goals, criteria, functional requirements, constraints, etc.,. with logical well reasoned and defensible arguments (may include tools such as; Pros/Cons, WEM, QFD, etc.)
  12. Explains the technical, societal, environmental and/or enterprise, context of the system.