MECH 350 Automatic Control Units: 3.50
An introduction to the basic principles of modelling, analysis and control of dynamic systems. Topics include: modes of control, principles of feedback, Laplace and transfer functions, transient response of first and second order systems, stability criteria, root locus, Bode and frequency response. After completion of this course a student will be able to design a control system by classical techniques and will have an awareness of modern techniques.
(Lec: 2.75, Lab: 0.25, Tut: 0.5)
(Lec: 2.75, Lab: 0.25, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: MECH 203 or MTHE 225 or MTHE 235 or MTHE 237, and MECH 228 or MECH 229 or ENPH 225, and registered in a BSCE or BASC Academic Program
Offering Term: FW
CEAB Units:
Mathematics 0
Natural Sciences 0
Complementary Studies 0
Engineering Science 23
Engineering Design 19
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Simplify a block diagram to obtain the overall transfer function.
- Create a system diagram and derive transfer function from a set of dynamic equations.
- Determine system response of a 1st or 2nd order system.
- Sketch Root locus and use it to determine system stability and type of system response (under-damped, or over damped).
- Calculate steady-state error for different type of systems.
- Determine transfer function from a given Bode plot and calculate the frequency response.
- Identify differences between control laws for open-loop and closed-loop control.