Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Search Results

Search Results for "MECH 270"

MECH 270  Materials Science and Engineering  Units: 3.50  
This course provides the student with a background in the basic structural concepts of materials and the relationships between processing, structure, properties and performance. The topics will range from atomic bonding and arrangements, through micro-and macro-structures and their influence on properties, to the processing techniques required to produce the desired structures. All current types of engineering materials, including metals, ceramics, polymers, composites and semiconductors are covered.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0.5)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 131 Corequisites: Exclusions:  
Offering Term: F  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 11  
Complementary Studies 0  
Engineering Science 31  
Engineering Design 0  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. CLOs coming soon; please refer to your course syllabus in the meantime.