LING 210 Language Acquisition and Learning Units: 3.00
How do children acquire their first language? How are second/subsequent languages learned? Topics include first language stages of learning, bilingualism, language disorders, theories of learning, individual differences, interlanguage, and language instruction, including contexts of heritage languages and language revitalization.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 84 Private Study)
Requirements: Prerequisite (LING 100/6.0 or [LING 101/3.0 and LING 102/3.0]) or permission of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures.
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Describe how children learn first languages.
- Describe how children and adults learn second languages.
- Describe common language impairments.
- Read and present critically a research paper in the field.
- Analyze language data from first and second language learners.
- Understand the difference between acquiring and learning a language.