LAW 527 Queen's Family Law Clinic Units: 8.00
This course provides students with the opportunity to work at the Queen¿s Family Law Clinic (QFLC) which is a specialized clinic that provides legal advice, assistance and information to low-income individuals in Kingston and the surrounding area. Through involvement in the QFLC, students will have opportunities to develop skills in interviewing clients, preparing documents for court, carrying out legal analysis and managing effective relationships with clients. Instruction is provided through lectures, a course manual and class discussion as well as through individual supervision of student casework by the Director and the Review Counsel. In addition to clinic experience, student caseworkers will have opportunities to attend Family Court to observe and interact with clients and family justice professionals. Under the supervision of the clinic lawyers, students can expect to work directly with clinic clients, plan litigation strategy, prepare pleadings, issue, serve and file court documents, learn the basics and many intricacies of the Family Law Rules and work with a variety of family justice agencies in efforts to assist qualifying self-representing litigants navigate the complexities of Family Court litigation. Students will also be actively involved in the operation of the Clinic, learning and developing skills in practice administration and management, client development, Law Society regulation, the use of retainer agreements and the use of time and case management software.
Grading will be based on an evaluation of the casework completed by the student throughout the year and the completion of course-related assignments including reflective journals based on six (6) attendances at Family Court and participation in a public legal education (PLE) presentation.
The course will run from September until April and takes place at the downtown offices of the Queen¿s Law Clinics (QLC), 5th Floor, LaSalle Mews, 303 Bagot Street, Kingston. Student caseworkers will meet as a class for three hours each week and will attend at the QLC regularly and as required to meet with clinic lawyers and complete casework. Student will also be required to attend at other locations in the course of their work including the Kingston Family Court at 469 Montreal Street, Kingston.
RECOMMENDED: Law 320 Evidence and Law 225 Civil Procedure
Queen¿s Law policy limits students to only one of the following clinical courses: QBLC LAW 438, QELC LAW 695, QFLC LAW 527, QPLC LAW418, QLA LAW 590. Students enrolled in one of those five clinical courses are not eligible for enrolment in another.
Grading will be based on an evaluation of the casework completed by the student throughout the year and the completion of course-related assignments including reflective journals based on six (6) attendances at Family Court and participation in a public legal education (PLE) presentation.
The course will run from September until April and takes place at the downtown offices of the Queen¿s Law Clinics (QLC), 5th Floor, LaSalle Mews, 303 Bagot Street, Kingston. Student caseworkers will meet as a class for three hours each week and will attend at the QLC regularly and as required to meet with clinic lawyers and complete casework. Student will also be required to attend at other locations in the course of their work including the Kingston Family Court at 469 Montreal Street, Kingston.
RECOMMENDED: Law 320 Evidence and Law 225 Civil Procedure
Queen¿s Law policy limits students to only one of the following clinical courses: QBLC LAW 438, QELC LAW 695, QFLC LAW 527, QPLC LAW418, QLA LAW 590. Students enrolled in one of those five clinical courses are not eligible for enrolment in another.
Requirements: Family Law CoReq
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Law