Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Search Results

Search Results for "HSCI 599"

HSCI 599  Advanced Health Sciences Research: Data Collection and Analysis  Units: 6.00  
This course will allow students to carry out an in-depth research project in the Health Sciences. Meant to follow HSCI 592 or 598, students will gain experience answering research questions and/or testing hypotheses using a research plan and methods developed during the initial course, with an emphasis on the development of research skills and practice interpreting data.
Exclusion: no more than 12 units from HSCI 591,592,593,594,595,598,599.
Requirements: Minimum 4th year (level 4) standing, registration in the BHSc Program, one of (HSCI 592/3.0; HSCI 598/6.0)  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Analyze and interpret data to answer the research question or support/reject the hypothesis/null hypothesis.
  2. Assess peer-reviewed literature, recognizing gaps in knowledge to defend the research questions/hypotheses and articulate how the research could advance the field.
  3. Develop research methods to produce and/or collect data that addresses research question(s) and/or test hypotheses
  4. Interpret and attribute methods and results to propose future studies to further the field of research