GPHY 310 Landscape Ecology Units: 3.00
Study of the relationship between spatial pattern and ecological processes. Topics include spatial arrangement of ecosystems and its influence on the flow of energy, materials and biota; agents of pattern and change; methods and techniques for characterizing landscapes and detecting change; applications in resource conservation and management.
NOTE Field Trip: estimated cost $30.
NOTE Field Trip: estimated cost $30.
Learning Hours: 120 (24 Lecture, 24 Laboratory, 6 Online Activity, 66 Private Study)
Requirements: Prerequisite Level 3 or above and (GPHY 207/3.0 or [BIOL 201/3.0* and BIOL 202/3.0*] or BIOL 200/3.0 or BIOL 111/3.0) or permission of the Department.
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science