FILM 425 Advanced Film Criticism Units: 3.00
Research seminar that draws on students' previous work to enhance advanced writing and research in film criticism. Topics from theory, criticism, and history will be addressed to suit individual students' projects.
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 24 Laboratory, 48 Private Study)
Requirements: Prerequisite Registration in a FILM, MAPP, or COFI Plan.
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate inclusive and accountable film criticism and research while completing written assignments and participating in class discussion on history, identity, and representation.
- Develop capacity in self-guided historical analyses as it relates to the realms of film criticism and theory.
- Display advanced understanding of the major debates and trends in film theory and criticism, nationally and/or globally.
- Hone writing skills for publication in diverse contexts.
- Practice diverse modes film criticism.