Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Search Results

Search Results for "FILM 316"

FILM 316  Video Games and Culture  Units: 3.00  
This course explores in greater depth the history of video games from their earlier inception to the present day. It also examines a series of key issues and themes pertinent to the ongoing theoretical and methodological development of video game studies, from technological and formal aspects (such as controllers, interface, colour, and sound) to cultural and sociological aspects (such as casualness, cheating, and retrogaming).
Learning Hours: 108 (36 Lecture, 36 Online Activity, 36 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite (Registration in a FILM, MAPP, or COFI Plan) or (ANIM 200/3.0 or FILM 200/3.0 or FILM 236/3.0 or FILM 240/3.0 or FILM 260/3.0).  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Analyze the role of video games in culture.
  2. Examine the relationship between video games and gaming and social and political issues.
  3. Understand the relationship between games and theories of play.
  4. Deploy concepts from critical theory in the humanities and social sciences to examine games in theoretical frames.