Academic Calendar 2024-2025

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Search Results for "ENPH 453"

ENPH 453  Advanced Physics Laboratory  Units: 3.50  
This course provides students in Engineering Physics with experience in a range of advanced experimental techniques and analysis. A balanced selection of experiments are performed from fields including nuclear physics, applied physics, solid state physics, low temperature physics, and optics.
(Lec: 0, Lab: 3.5, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ENPH 344 (PHYS 344), ENPH 345 (PHYS 345), ENPH 351 (PHYS 351) or ENPH 353 Corequisites: Exclusions: ENPH 450 (PHYS 450), ENPH 453 (PHYS 453)  
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 11  
Complementary Studies 11  
Engineering Science 20  
Engineering Design 0  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Propose an original research experiment that includes theoretical and instrumental contexts. You will evaluate the context of the experimental Science, and digest and construct knowledge related to the field addressed by the experiment through research proposals you would submit before performing the measurements. This involves mastering both the theoretical and instrumental contexts of the experiment enough to propose an original research direction. You will utilize your knowledge of Mathematics to estimate the expected results based on the theoretical context of the setup.
  2. Describe and discuss models or theories as they relate to a particular physics experimental investigation. You will Identify the key underlying physics involved in the experiment, Formulate the connection between the theory and the experimental setup, and Evaluate your experimental investigation to test the models or theories.
  3. Conduct the experiment based on your understanding of the experimental setup and procedure. You will adhere to the Safety code of the laboratory to prioritize the safety of you and your classmates. You will perform Analysis of the collected data, and Synthesis the results considering the statistical and systematical uncertainties of the setup.
  4. Define the discrepancies between theoretical expectations and your lab results. You will evaluate different Stratergies to understand and resolve the discrepancies. You will evaluate different Solutions to verify your hypothesis and Assess the validity of your solutions through calculation or additional data collection.
  5. Create the appropriate computing codes to build models based on the theory, analyze your lab results, and simulate the lab setup. You will Apply relevant knowledge and appropriate techniques, and tools to understand the collected data and connect the results to theoretical expectations. You will estimate Limitations of the lab setup, such as uncertainties originating from your instrument and measurement methods, and the limitations of the theories and models you have assumed.
  6. Work as a group to pursue your measurements. You will provide Contributions to your group’s activities by participating in the planning of the laboratory setup, taking data, analyzing data, writing reports, and presenting the results. You will set agreements within your group on how you will collaborate and respect each other’s opinions and viewpoints. At the end of the course, you will review other groups’ results and provide Feedback on their presentations.
  7. Communicate the results of a physics experiment in a coherent, well-structured, and clear manner, both in written and oral formats. You will Synthesize, Communicate the results through a coherent, well structured, and clear written report under the form of a journal publication, including a concise abstract, and through oral presentations either in small or large attendance.