ENPH 414 Introducation to General Relativity Units: 3.00
Einstein's theory of gravity is developed from fundamental principles to a level which enables the student to read some of the current literature. Includes an introduction to computer algebra, an essential element of a modern introduction to Einstein's theory.
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0)
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0, Tut: 0)
Requirements: Prerequisites: ENPH 321 (PHYS 321), ENPH 316 (PHYS 316) and ENPH 317 (PHYS 317) or ENPH 312 (PHYS 312) or MTHE 338 (MATH 338)
Offering Term: F
CEAB Units:
Mathematics 12
Natural Sciences 24
Complementary Studies 0
Engineering Science 0
Engineering Design 0
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Have a conceptual understanding of the role of spacetime curvature in our understanding of gravitation (GR).
- Apply GR to the Universe as a whole as we currently understand it (cosmology).
- Understand the geodesic motion of particles in a gravitational field.
- Develop simple models of non-rotating black holes and their observational consequences.
- Develop simple models of gravitating objects in hydrostatic equilibrium including a study of their interior properties.
- Understand the junction of one spacetime onto another in order to develop complete models of isolated systems.
- Appreciate the complex role rotation plays in a background spacetime and understand some of the properties of real world black holes.
- Understand some of the global features of a spacetime as represented in a Penrose diagram.