ELEC 422 Digital Signal Processing: Random Models and Applications Units: 3.50
Recent DSP topics including: bandpass sampling, oversampling A/D conversion, quantization noise modelling, multi-rate signal processing, filterbanks, quadrature mirror filters, applications to communications systems, speech and image compression; processing of discrete-time random signals.
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0)
NOT OFFERED 2024-2025
(Lec: 3, Lab: 0.5, Tut: 0)
Offering Term: F
CEAB Units:
Mathematics 0
Natural Sciences 0
Complementary Studies 0
Engineering Science 15
Engineering Design 27
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Understanding of wide sense stationary random processes including definition, input/output characterization for linear time-invariant systems (filtering) as well as in frequency domain application to quantizer design.
- Understanding of minimum phase systems and minimum phase / all pass decompositions with application to inverse systems.
- Understanding of minimum mean squared error optimum linear filtering principles.
- Understanding of different methods of sampling, quantization, and reconstruction of baseband and bandpass signals including their design tradeoffs.
- Understanding of digital filtering design principles of finite impulse response (FIR) filters including linear phase response, windowing, and transformations.
- Understanding of multi-rate signal processing principles with application to computation reduction and parallel processing tradeoffs.