Academic Calendar 2024-2025

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Search Results for "COMM 398"

COMM 398  Business, Government and the Global Economy  Units: 3.00  
In an era of globalization and crises, international business is argued to be characterized by "total competition." Managers are certainly expected and are required to be fluent "market strategies" such as competing on cost, differentiation, etc. However, managers must also be fluent in understanding, anticipating and shaping the workings of the "visible hands" of governments and international institutions. This is particularly important because the global economic system has undergone tremendous stress over the past three years. This course explores how the global economy works via the in-depth examination of the various "systems" that govern it - the systems of energy, finance, trade, and government-business relations.
The course develops frameworks, tools, and concepts from various disciplines - business strategy, economics, political science, philosophy - that will help new managers meet the non-market challenges they will inevitably face. It is heavily case and discussion based and looks at the practical application of the concepts discussed. Commerce 375 would be an ideal, though not absolutely necessary, prerequisite.
NOTE: This course counts as credit towards the Certificate in Social Impact.
Requirements: This course is restricted to students enrolled in the 3rd or 4th year of the Commerce Program.  
Offering Faculty: Smith School of Business