Academic Calendar 2024-2025

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Search Results for "CIVL 360"

CIVL 360  Civil Engineering Design and Practice III  Units: 4.00  
Students will develop and employ Engineering Design and Practice skills to resolve a complex, open-ended design task. This will involve the iterative application of Civil Engineering technical knowledge to identify and evaluate design options. The economic, environmental and societal implications of the preferred solution(s) will be assessed. Students will select, detail and communicate their final design in a logical, traceable and defendable manner. Ethical, legal and other relevant professional issues will be studied and discussed through case studies. Students will also develop and enhance written, graphical and oral communications skills.
K4(Lec: Yes, Lab: No, Tut: Yes)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 200 Corequisites: Exclusions:   
Offering Term: W  
CEAB Units:    
Mathematics 0  
Natural Sciences 0  
Complementary Studies 12  
Engineering Science 0  
Engineering Design 36  
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Applies appropriate creative and/or innovative approaches to the design.
  2. Generates a traceable and defensible record of a technical project using an appropriate project records system.
  3. Addresses risk, standards, codes of practice, legal, regulatory, compliance, environmental and social factors.
  4. Demonstrates conciseness, precision and clarity of language in technical writing.
  5. Uses graphics to explain, interpret and assess information.
  6. Demonstrate ability to work effectively as a member in a team.
  7. Applies and communicates the appropriate methods throughout the design process.
  8. Explicitly defines the problem and applies constraints to guide the process toward an optimal solution.
  9. Follows appropriate iterative engineering design process to resolve problem.
  10. Develops the detailed criteria to measure performance and ensure compliance subject to constraints, assumptions and other factors relevant to all stakeholders.
  11. Identify, compare and contrast multiple strategies for solving a problem.
  12. Share ideas and information by eliciting, giving and applying positive and effective feedback.
  13. Independently acquire new knowledge and skills for ongoing personal and professional development.
  14. Recognize that engineering is a regulated profession dedicated to serve and protect the public interest.
  15. Mindfully incorporate principles of fairness, access and opportunity into decision making.