CHEE 218 Laboratory Projects I Units: 2.50
The projects provide a practical introduction to processes that occur in chemical engineering operations. Bench-scale and pilot plant equipment are used. Students plan and carry out the experiments, analyze the data and prepare written reports
(Lec: 0.15, Lab: 2, Tut: 0.35)
(Lec: 0.15, Lab: 2, Tut: 0.35)
Requirements: Prerequisites: APSC 100 (or APSC 102 ), CHEE 209, or permission of the department.
Offering Term: W
CEAB Units:
Mathematics 0
Natural Sciences 0
Complementary Studies 10
Engineering Science 20
Engineering Design 0
Offering Faculty: Smith Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate proficiency in operation and control of process and analytical equipment.
- Demonstrate engineering judgment and an awareness of the nature and magnitude of physical and chemical effects and factors, as well as errors and uncertainties.
- Collect and interpret data to draw meaningful conclusions and evaluate the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of current chemical engineering theory.
- Write concise, coherent, and grammatically correct lab reports that reflect critical analysis and synthesis. Deliver clear and organized formal oral presentations.
- Demonstrate effective independent learning, initiative, originality and creativity in completion of pre-lab preparation and other tasks.
- Work effectively as group member and demonstrate good leadership skills when team leader, adopting a professional approach during all project phases.
- Document and follow appropriate safety protocols.