Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Search Results

Search Results for "BMED 877"

BMED 877  Fundamentals of Immunology in Health and Disease  Units: 3.00  
The general principles and mechanisms of immune reaction. Immunochemical and immunobiological aspects of antibody formation and cell-mediated immunity in health and disease will be considered. (Offered concurrently with MICR-386 with additional work required.) (3.0 credit units).
PREREQUISITES: Minimum 3rd year (level 3) standing and one of (BCHM 218/3.0 or BCHM 270/3.0), and one of (MICR 270/3.0; MICR 271/3.0; MICR 221/3.0), or equivalent courses with permission of the instructor.
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Health Sciences  

Biomedical and Molecular Sciences
The Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences (DBMS) is located in Botterell Hall, which also houses the Bracken Health Sciences library and excellent animal care facilities. Students in the DBMS graduate program will have access to infrastructure and expertise from 58 primary DBMS faculty members, which includes 4 Tier I and 3 Tier II Canada Research Council Chairs, in the Centre for Cardiac, Circulation, and Respiratory Science, the Gastrointestinal Disease Research Unit, the Centre for Neuroscience Studies, the Research Group in Reproduction, Development, and Sexual Function, the Protein Function and Discovery Facility and the Divisions of Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Emergency Medicine, Neurology and Respirology in the Faculty of Health Sciences. In addition to the unique equipment found in the laboratories of participating faculty, additional common resources available to students include an animal care facility, autoclaves, bacterial incubators, centrifuges, cold rooms, common confocal microscopes, fluorescent microscopes, dark rooms, gel documentation systems, and electron microscopy.