Academic Calendar 2024-2025

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Search Results for "BIOL 403"

BIOL 403  Experimental Techniques in Biology  Units: 3.00  
Self-directed and self-selected hands-on experimental techniques used in fundamental biology research, biotechnologies, and medical sciences.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Laboratory, 12 Tutorial, 72 Off-Campus Activity)  
Requirements: Prerequisite BIOL 205/3.0 and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the Biological Foundations List.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Generate and analyze experimental data.
  2. Modify experimental protocols to use appropriately the scientific tools available.
  3. Operate and understand the inner working of scientific devices used in biology, chemistry, biotechnology and medicine.
  4. Produce experimental protocol from published techniques.
  5. Select and design experimental strategies to detect and quantify a molecule of interest.
  6. Verbally synthesize experimental protocol and results.