BIOL 402 Experiments in Plant Physiology Units: 3.00
Laboratory-based course emphasizing experimental approaches to understanding the principles of plant physiology covered in BIOL 341.
Learning Hours: 114 (36 Laboratory, 24 Tutorial, 6 Online Activity, 48 Private Study)
Requirements: Prerequisite A minimum GPA of 2.0 in the Biological Foundations List.
Corequisite BIOL 341/3.0.
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science
Course Learning Outcomes:
- As part of a team, you will communicate biological questions, concepts, and results to a variety of audiences in written and oral formats.
- The core plant biology labs as designed will allow you to develop, apply, and master the skills for scientific investigation, from hypothesis development and testing to proper experimental design to statistical analysis.
- The plant biology labs will allow you to establish, apply and master a number of technical skills and experimental strategies applicable to a broad range of scientific endeavours in the field of plant biology, and this includes troubleshooting.
- The plant biology labs will allow you to hone your ability to work individually and, on a team, to produce high-quality, synthetic and incisively written and oral projects, applying strategies for time management and collaboration.
- You will advance and integrate your knowledge of plant biology and its principles with core experimental techniques to analyze real-world problems and phenomena associated with plants.
- You will as part of a team conduct self-driven, independent research on a problem in plant biology that involves the analysis of existing research on the topic and undertaking new research on new or related aspects. This independent research project encompasses all stages of scientific investigation including: the development of research questions and formulation of appropriate hypotheses; development of experimental design; data collection, data management and application of appropriate statistics; critical interpretation of empirical evidence to test hypotheses; synthetic integration with core concepts; communication of findings in oral and written formats, such as a grant proposal, a journal report, and seminar.