K4(Lec: Yes, Lab: No, Tut: Yes)
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Apply information research, assessment, and management concepts in engineering design.
- Design creative solution(s) for open-ended, complex problems, applying engineering principles and theories from other disciplinary courses where applicable.
- Apply design processes and tools for problem definition, idea generation and decision making.
- Make design decisions using financial factors, environmental factors, social factors, and public interests.
- Consider equity, diversity, inclusion and indigenization during the design process.
- Incorporate the core principles of project management into the development. of design solutions (including frameworks, objectives, scheduling, work breakdown, milestones, and life cycle)
- Discuss engineering as a regulated profession, including reference to relevant .engineering regulations/codes/standards, ethics, equity, health and safety
- Discuss professional/technical associations in engineering and discipline.
- Discuss the role of ethics in a project with reference to real world engineering applications.
- Demonstrate effective teaming skills.
- Demonstrate ability to identify and to address personal educational needs.