I am very excited to announce that the textbook, "The Dark Matter Discoverer's Guidebook", is now available in electronic and paper format! Dr. Jodi Cooley and I co-authored  this book over three years of work. Since no one has discovered the constituents of dark matter, this is definitely a "work in progress". Our goal was to capture the case for dark matter, specifically particle-like dark matter, and show the many paths by which discovery might happen. This is the book we wish we had when we started our physics careers.

Why this guidebook?

Unique in its broad approach to the varying methods for identifying dark matter, The Dark Matter Discoverer’s Guidebook contains theoretical, phenomenological, and experimental approaches meant to prepare dark matter hunters for discovery. It provides an introduction to key evidence for dark matter, explores theories and models that present possible candidates, and surveys experimental approaches having the goal of training people to test the widest possible range of ideas.

Is the Guidebook for me?

The Dark Matter Discoverer’s Guidebook is perfect for upper-level undergraduate students, graduate students, or a professional seeking to pivot into this exciting field of discovery. Mathematical derivations, examples, and complete solutions enable investigators to test their understanding of the material and to assess their level of knowledge without wasting time wondering whether there are missing steps.

You can learn more about the book, including where to buy it, from darkmatterdiscoverer.org.

The front cover of the guidebook