Real Stories 6

Even possessing a love of literature, the reality of reading for an English class on an average day can be a complicated one. The days are long and busy with work and social life to balance. Bustling from class to class, then to extracurriculars and the gym or social events is a struggle all too familiar as a student. Having many different ongoing courses means readings and assignments galore. However, there is one sort of task, one sort of homework which has a distinct appeal above all others. For English courses, most readings are poems, short stories, excerpts and novels or books of any kind. These readings are exciting and can be used as a break between other, less pleasant work. Depending on the course, they can be a reading the student would enjoy recreationaly or something new and exciting for them to be exposed to. As someone who loves reading but does not do it as much as I used to, being forced by English class to read a steady supply of books for various classes was a welcome challenge. Despite the appeal of reading even for an English class, it is not without struggle, for when crunch periods arise it can be easy to let readings fall as a priority. Readings sometimes feel like something that can be deferred, as they can always be caught up on later, with the only issue being behind for a lecture or two. However, reading on an average day can be an excellent way to unwind after a long day, to avoid screen time before bed, to take a break somewhere in the day. Whether at home in bed, or at the library or even in a quiet moment anywhere on campus, reading for a course is an activity that can be done with happiness. If only there weren’t so many distractions and competing factors vying for our attention in our busy day to day lives. When turning the pages is no longer a chore, simply aiming to reach a quota of reading to keep up with a course, but the book has hooked the reader and it is a page turner that is the best time. Sitting in class proudly with the knowledge that you are caught up on a reading, not because you were forced to be, but because you wanted to, is the ideal situation in keeping up with an English class.