Dr Robert G. May, Associate Professor, Department of English

Queen's University Dr Robert G. May

Dr Robert G. May

Associate Professor, Department of English

Dr Robert G. May, BA (Hons.), BEd (OCT), MA, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at Queen’s University. A specialist in Canadian literature in English, he has extensive teaching and publishing experience in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Canadian poetry and fiction. He has taught survey courses in Canadian literature, as well as upper-year undergraduate seminars in the Montreal Group, Canadian Literary Criticism, and Gay Poetry in Canada. He has published peer-reviewed articles on Canadian literary figures such as Duncan Campbell Scott, F.R. Scott, Leo Kennedy, and Gary Geddes. He is the editor of Gary Geddes: Essays on His Works (Toronto: Guernica, 2010) and Duncan Campbell Scott’s In the Village of Viger: A Critical Edition (Ottawa: Tecumseh, 2010).

Contact Information

Dr Robert G. May
Associate Professor
Department of English
John Watson Hall, 49 Bader Lane
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6

E-mail: mayr@queensu.ca

Office: Room 524, John Watson Hall

Office Hours (Fall and Winter 2023-2024):
Tuesdays, 10.30 a.m. ET - 12.30 p.m. ET
Thursdays, 1.30 p.m. ET - 3.30 p.m. ET
or at other times by arrangement

Social Media

Dr May on Facebook

Dr May on Twitter

Dr May on Flickr

Accessibility and Accommodation

Queen’s University, the English Department, and Dr May are committed to providing an accessible learning environment to all students. Part of this commitment includes arranging academic accommodations for students with disabilities to ensure they have an equitable opportunity to participate in all of their academic activities. Students with a disability are strongly encouraged to register with Student Wellness Services. For more information, please visit Queen's Student Wellness Services.

Queen’s University, the English Department, and Dr May are committed to an inclusive campus community with accessible goods, services, and facilities that respect the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. All course documents are available in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports upon request.

Land Acknowledgement

Queen’s University is situated on the territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek. Ne Queen’s University e’tho nońwe nikanónhsote tsi nońwe ne Haudenosaunee tánon Anishinaabek tehatihsnónhsahere ne óhontsa. Gimaakwe Gchi-gkinoomaagegamig atemagad Naadowe miinwaa Anishinaabe aking. For more information, please visit the Queen's University Office of Indigenous Initiatives.

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