I am an Associate Professor at Queen’s University. Prior to my current positions at Queen’s, the McDonald Institute, and Perimeter, I held postdoctoral fellowships at Perimeter and the University of Notre Dame. My PhD was completed at the University of Hawaii. As an undergraduate at Sarah Lawrence College, I researched atmospheric aerosol particle chemistry, using x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, which I collected and analyzed at Brookhaven’s National Synchrotron Light Source.
Research Summary: Theoretical physics is presently confronting exciting puzzles, including the nature of dark matter, the state of our universe prior to primordial nucleosynthesis, and the present abundance of matter as compared to antimatter. It is also interesting to consider whether the mass of the Higgs boson relative to the Planck mass, the cosmological constant, and the charge-parity symmetry of quantum chromodynamics are manifestations of more fundamental physical structures. My research seeks out new explanations for these phenomena and fashions new methods to test such explanations.
Publications Summary: An up-to-date list of my publications can be found in the inspire database.
Contact: joseph.bramante {at} queensu.ca
Prospective Students: All prospective students and researchers are welcome to email me at the address given above or apply directly to Queen’s and indicate particle theory as an interest. I can often reply to direct email inquiries if there is an opening in our theory group.