Current Students

Application Required

As a Queen’s student, you have lots of options for financial aid, including options that do not require an application.

Additional Financial Aid Requiring an Application – Government Student Financial AidFuture Students and Exchange and Bader College.

Graduate, Professional, Law and Medicine Students - review additional financial aid available to you.

International Students - review additional financial aid available to you.

Specific Student Groups – review additional financial aid options available to part-time students, consecutive education students, student athletes, Queen's alumnae, mature women students, Indigenous students, Black and racialized students, and students with disabilities.

General Bursary

A non-repayable grant available to students in all years of study who have a demonstrated financial need.

Queen's General Bursary

Named bursaries

Scholarships & Awards

Students who are currently registered at Queen's University can apply for these awards with a resume and letter explaining how they meet the selection criteria.

Scholarships & awards

Other Aid Options

Students who do not qualify for government financial aid or Queen's scholarships may wish to consider other options.

External awards

Short-term loan

Student line of credit

Work Study

Provides students who have demonstrated financial need the opportunity to receive priority for certain part-time jobs during their studies.

Work Study program

Emergency Assistance

Emergency assistance is available for students experiencing financial strain due to circumstances beyond their control.

The Emergency Taxi fund, funded by the AMS, was created for students with temporary mobility impairments, who require taxi assistance to and from campus and classes. The AMS financially supports a number of accessibility programs for students. As a result, the amount of funding for the Emergency Taxi fund is limited.

Application form

Established in May 2016 by the Alma Mater Society and the Society of Graduate and Professional Students, and awarded on the basis of self-identified need on the part of the applicant who requires financial support to attend healthcare appointments outside the City of Kingston, generally with a specialist. The amount of funding for the Healthcare Travel Bursary is limited.

Application form

The Walter Fenlon and Linda Ann Daly Chaplain's Trust Fund was established to provide emergency financial assistance for students, at the discretion of the University Chaplain, with first priority to international or Indigenous students in any year in any faculty or school at Queen’s University. The intent is to help students dealing with a sudden or serious shortfall of funds needed for items such as, but not limited to, emergency travel related to family, groceries, rent, or medical/dental expenses. 

In the case of an emergency when immediate assistance is required, students should contact Financial Aid and Awards,, directly.

What is Considered an Emergency?

  • Any circumstance where you are experiencing unexpected financial strain due to circumstances outside of your control may be considered an emergency
  • Some examples include sudden illness or death in the family resulting in travel, loss of property due to fire, robbery of personal possessions, assault, etc.

What is Not Considered an Emergency?

  • Outstanding tuition and fees to the university
  • Temporary delay of funding
  • Expenses related to financial concerns of pets, friends, or family members (i.e. medical/dental/home repair/parent’s mortgage payments)
  • Travel for leisure or to visit family

Other Financial Options  

When your emergency does not qualify for an emergency bursary, you still have options:

If you are having a temporary cash flow difficulty (e.g. your government student financial aid funding is not arriving until mid-September, however you require funds now to buy books), you may wish to considered applying for a Short-Term Loan. Students with temporary cash flow difficulties will not be considered for Emergency Assistance.