Style of Address

Senate approved the following new Style of Address at its May 24, 2006 meeting:

The style of address at Senate, during debate or in the minutes and reports that are the permanent written record of the Senate, shall be consistent with principles of inclusion and equity as follows:

  • In the written minutes and reports, members of Senate shall be identified by their first initial and last name only.

  • During discussions on the floor of Senate, the Chair shall normally address speakers as "Senator [last name]" except in the case of Visitors, Guests and Observers.

  • As a guideline, when appropriate and particularly to ensure clarity, the title and affiliation of a Visitor, Guest or Observer who is invited to speak or who requests speaking privileges, may also be used.

  • The above applies to the Senate, Senate Standing Committees, Subcommittees, Ad Hoc Committees and Task Forces.