Key Dates

Established and administered by the Office of the University Registrar.

This section includes various administrative dates and deadlines associated with registration, photo ID, payment of fees, exams, financial aid / awards, and graduation, as well as the core academic sessional dates applicable to undergraduate and undergraduate online programs in the: 

  • Faculty of Arts and Science
  • Smith Engineering
  • Faculty of Health Sciences (e.g: Bachelor of Health Sciences, Nursing)
  • Faculty of Law Undergraduate Certificate in Law
  • Smith School of Business (e.g: Commerce)


Date Deadline
Mid-Dec/Jan Student Photo ID Cards/validation stickers
1 Winter term begins 
2 Appeal to Register with Outstanding Debt for Winter 2025

Winter term installment of US Federal Direct Loans disbursed; all funding directed to the student account in SOLUS

Program information & confirmation of enrolment begins for winter-term Part-time OSAP

6 Winter term classes begin

The second half of your residence fees are due

6-31 Winter Health and Dental Opt-out Period 
10 Winter term tuition and Student Assistance Levy due, 1B except for:

Students who have not paid may not be able to participate in Open Enrolment

Final Fall PPL withdrawal 

12 Grade posting date for preceding fall term classes
15 Queen’s Exchange Bursary deadline
16-19 Fall Term Deferred Exam Period
17 Last day to add a winter term course

Undergraduate Programs Last day to drop a winter term course for a full refund

31 Ancillary (winter start students/programs) fees due 

Last day to pay winter term fees without penalty

Immigration and Citizenship Law Bursary open (fall admission applicants)

Graduate students: Payment Plan (PPL) self-enrolment deadline for winter term

Undergraduate Programs Last day to drop a winter term course for a 50% refund.

SGSPA last day for completion/withdrawal for 100% refund 

Late Jan Queen’s General Bursary credit refunded

Date Deadline
1 Winter term awards with separate application deadline
1-15 Enter your banking information on SOLUS if you have a credit on SOLUS that is eligible for a refund
3 Summer registration begins in SOLUS for undergraduate and distance students
5 General Bursary appeal deadline

Graduate students: Payment Plan (PPL) withdrawal date

14 The exam schedule posted to SOLUS
15 Financial Aid and Awards Profile deadline

Commitment Scholars Award deadline

Faculty of Law Admission Bursary deadline

16 Commitment Scholars Verifier submission deadline
17 Family Day (classes will not be held)
Mid-Feb Major Admission Award recipients notified
18-21 Winter Term Reading Break – except Education, Medicine (all classes canceled)
28 T2202 is available in SOLUS.

T4As will be mailed at the end of February to your primary mailing address on SOLUS

Undergraduate Programs Last date to drop a winter term course without academic penalty. Courses dropped by this date will receive a 25% refund

SGSPA last day for completion/withdrawal for 50% refund

Date Deadline
5 Graduate students: Payment Plan (PPL) withdrawal date
15 Deadline to register for conflict or religious accommodations for centrally scheduled April examinations

Deadline to register for exam accommodation with Student Wellness Services

Summer Work Study open for applications

16-22 Processing of refunds for eligible, unapplied credits in SOLUS
21 Online summer term Full-time OSAP extension form available via Financial Aid and Awards website (for students enrolled in study periods which are less than 12 weeks)
31 School of Medicine Admission Bursary deadline

SGSPA last day for completion/withdrawal for 25% refund

Date Deadline
1 Graduate students: Payment Plan (PPL) enrolment is open for the summer term, for those not on the PPL
1-30 Summer Health and Dental Opt-out period 
4 Winter term classes end
5-6 Winter term pre-examination study period
7 Graduate students: Last withdrawal for the winter term PPL
Mid-April Commitment Scholars recipients notified

Automatic confirmation of full-time enrolment begins on summer term Full-time OSAP applications to permit the release of summer term OSAP funding; all/component of OSAP funding may apply to your tuition and education-related fees

Manual confirmation of enrolment begins on 2024-25 Full-time and Part-time Out-of-Province applications for the summer term; all funding is directed to the student’s personal bank account.

7-23 Winter term final exams (exam schedule posted in SOLUS)

Last day to change your name for spring degree lists

Last date to apply to graduate in SOLUS (Please consult specific faculty/School deadlines here)

Last day of the winter term


Date Deadline
Mid-December 2023–January 2024 Student Photo ID Cards/validation stickers 

Winter term begins

8 Winter term classes begin

Winter term tuition and Student Assistance Levy due, except for:

Students that have not paid may not be able to participate in Open Enrolment

10 Winter term residence fees due
12 Grade posting date for preceding fall term classes
12 Appeal to Register with Outstanding Debt for Winter 2024
15 Queen’s Exchange Bursary deadline
19 Last day to add a winter term course
19 Last day to drop a winter term course for full refund
31 Last day to pay winter term fees without penalty

Immigration and Citizenship Law Bursary open (fall admission applicants)

Graduate students: Payment Plan (PPL) self-enrolment deadline for winter term

Late January Queen’s General Bursary credit refunded

Date Deadline
1–15 Enter your banking information on SOLUS if you have a credit on SOLUS that is eligible for a refund

Winter term awards with separate application deadline

2 Last day to drop a winter term course for 50% refund

General Bursary appeal deadline

Graduate students: Payment Plan (PPL) withdrawal date

OSAP Summer Extension forms available

Summer registration begins in SOLUS for undergraduate and distance students

15 Admission Bursary deadline

Commitment Scholars Award deadline

Faculty of Law Admission Bursary deadline

Marty Royce Bader Fellowship deadline

Other Admission Awards application deadline

Promise Scholars deadline

16 Commitment Scholars Verifier submission deadline
Mid-February Major Admission Award recipients notified
16 Exam schedule posted to SOLUS
19 Family Day (classes will not be held)
19–23 Winter Term Reading Break – except Education, Medicine (all classes cancelled)
29 T2202 available in SOLUS. T4As will be mailed at end of February to your mailing address on SOLUS

Date Deadline
1 Last day to drop a winter term or multi-term course for 25% refund (not applicable to graduate students)
6 Graduate students: Payment Plan (PPL) withdrawal date
mid-March Summer General Bursary open for applications

Deadline to register for conflict or religious accommodations for centrally scheduled April examinations

Deadline to register for exam accommodation with Student Wellness Services

Summer Work Study open for applications

16–22 Processing of refunds for eligible, unapplied credits in SOLUS
21 2024 Summer OSAP Extension Form available
31 School of Medicine Admission Bursary deadline

Date Deadline
1 Graduate students: Payment Plan (PPL) enrolment open for summer term, for those not on the PPL
5 Graduate students: Last withdrawal for the winter term PPL
8 Winter term classes end
9-10 Winter term pre-examination study period
12 2024-25 Full-Time OSAP Application form available through your OSAP Account
Mid-April Commitment Scholars recipients notified
TBD Winter term final exams (exam schedule posted in SOLUS)
30 Last day to change your name for spring degree lists

Last day to apply for spring graduation

Last day of winter term

Date Deadline
1 Immigration and Citizenship Law Bursary deadline for fall admission

Immigration and Citizenship Law Bursary open (winter admission applicants)

Graduate Tuition and SAL are due for the summer term

Summer Term Begins

Program information & confirmation of enrolment begins for summer-term Part-time OSAP 

Summer term installment of US Federal Direct Loans disbursed; all funding directed to the student account in SOLUS

6 Summer term: May-June and May-July classes begin

Summer Work Study deadline

Undergraduate and Distance students' Tuition and SAL are due for summer term classes that begin in May (6W1 and 12W sessions)

2024-25 Full-Time OSAP application form available through your OSAP Account

2024-25 Full-Time and Part-time application forms for Out-of-Province funding available via applicable provincial/ territorial government portal

10 Last day to add May-June and May-July courses

Last day to drop May-June courses for a full refund

12 Student grades will appear on official transcripts for winter term classes
17 Last day to drop May-July courses for a full refund
30 Graduate students: Last day to self-enrol in the Payment Plan (PPL)
31 Last day to drop May-June courses without academic penalty

Summer General Bursary application deadline

Date Deadline
3 Residence deposit and application due for students applying for residence
5 Graduate students: First Payment Plan (PPL) withdrawal for the summer term
10 2024-25 Part-Time OSAP application form available through your OSAP Account
17–21 Engineering J Section exams
15 Outstanding amounts on SOLUS need to be paid for fall registration
17 May-June classes end
18 Fall/Winter Work Study application opens
20–22 May-June courses exam period
26 Final fall/winter timetable for the upcoming academic year posted in SOLUS
28 Last day to drop May-July courses without academic penalty

Date Deadline
Early July Recommended date to complete your OSAP or other student government financial aid application to ensure the fall instalment of your funding is available by September
2 July-August classes begin (6W2)

Undergraduate and Distance student's Tuition and SAL due for summer term classes that begin in July (6W2 session)

Exchange Bursary application closes for the upcoming academic year (2025-26)

Bader College Bursary application closes for upcoming academic year (2025-26)

Award Renewal Appeal Deadline 

Summer General Bursary Appeal Deadline 

5 Graduate students: Payment Plan (PPL) withdrawal date
8 Last day to add July-August classes

Last day to drop July-August classes for full refund

5–7 &


Summer Orientation and Resources (SOAR) for first-year undergraduate students
15 Applications for fall graduation open in SOLUS

Shopping Cart open/Enrolment Appointment times show in SOLUS

22 Course Selection begins as per Enrolment Appointments in SOLUS
Mid-July Students who have applied for US Direct Loans will receive an email from the Financial Aid and Awards Office confirming the eligible loan amounts for the upcoming academic year
Mid-Late July 2024-25 OSAP for Micro-Credentials application form available through your OSAP Account
26 May-July classes end
28- Aug 4 Exams for May-July 12-week courses begin
30 Registration Pause Day
31 Course selection reopens in SOLUS with many enrolment restrictions lifted

Date Deadline
1 Immigration and Citizenship Law Bursary deadline for winter admission
2 Last day to drop July-August courses without academic penalty 
4 Exams for May-July 12-week courses end

Registration ends 

5 Graduate students: Final Payment Plan (PPL) withdrawal for the preceding academic year
10 Fall term awards – first disbursement posted on SOLUS
TBA Last day to submit your photo for your Photo ID Student Card
13 July- August Classes end (6W2) 
15–17 Exams for July–August 6W2 courses
19 Open Enrolment in SOLUS begins
27 Automatic confirmation of full-time enrolment begins on 2024-25 Full-time OSAP applications for fall term; all/component of OSAP funding may apply to your tuition and education-related fees 

Manual confirmation of full-time enrolment begins on 2024-25 Full-time and Part-time Out-of-Province applications for the fall term; all funding is directed to the student’s personal bank account

30-31 Residence Move-In Weekend 
31 Summer Term Ends

Date Deadline
1 Fall term begins

Undergraduate students' fall tuition, Student Assistance Levy, and Residence fees due

Applications open for the Queen’s General Bursary program

The first half of your residence fees are due 

Appeal to Register with Outstanding Debt for Fall 2024 deadline

Fall Term installment of US Federal Direct Loans disbursed (exception first-year and first-time borrowers – see Oct); all funding directed to the student account in SOLUS

2 Program information & confirmation of enrolment begins for fall-term Part-time OSAP 
3-29 AMS and SGPS Ancillary fee Opt-out period

Fall Health and Dental Opt-out Period

3 Fall term classes begin
3-6 Summer Term Deferred Assessments period (July-August/6W2 and May-July/12W)
15 Fall/Winter Work Study application deadline
16 Undergraduate Program's last day to drop a fall term or multi-term course for a full refund

Last date to add a fall term or multi-term class

30 Major Admission Award, Commitment Scholars Award, and Financial Aid & Award Profile open for prospective high school students 

Education Alternative Practicum Travel Fellowship application deadline

Graduate students: Last day to self-enroll in the fall Payment Plan (PPL)

National Truth and Reconciliation Day (Classes Cancelled)

In observance of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, no classes will be held on Monday, September 30, 2024. To maintain balance in the academic schedule, Tuesday, October 1, 2024, will follow Monday's class schedule.

To ensure an even number of weekday classes throughout the term, the week of September 30- October 4 will proceed as follows: 

  • Monday: no classes
  • Tuesday: will follow Monday’s class schedule 
  • Wednesday: remains Wednesday’s class schedule 
  • Thursday: remains Thursday’s class schedule 
  • Friday: remains Friday’s class schedule

**This change does not apply to Education, Medicine, Law, Business Professional Programs, or work or clinical placements.

Last day for undergraduate students to drop a fall term or fall/winter course for a 50% refund

SGSPA last day for completion/withdrawal for 100% refund 

Date Deadline

In observance of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, classes will be canceled on Monday, September 30, 2024. To maintain balance in the academic schedule, Tuesday, October 1, 2024, will follow Monday's class schedule.

To ensure an even number of weekday classes throughout the term, the week of September 30- October 4 will proceed as follows: 

  • Monday: no classes
  • Tuesday: will follow Monday’s class schedule 
  • Wednesday: remains Wednesday’s class schedule 
  • Thursday: remains Thursday’s class schedule 
  • Friday: remains Friday’s class schedule

**This change does not apply to Education, Medicine, Law, Business Professional Programs, or work or clinical placements.

Fall term awards with separate application deadline

Ancillary and all outstanding fees are due

Graduate students' fall tuition, Student Assistance Levy, and Residence fees due

Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application for US Federal Direct Loans is available for next academic year

3 Fall term installment of US Federal Direct Loans disbursed for first-year and first-time borrowers; all funding is directed to the student account in SOLUS
TBD Conferral date for fall degrees
7 Graduate students: Payment Plan (PPL) withdrawal date
11 Fall exam schedule posted to SOLUS
14 Thanksgiving
15 Last date to apply for fall graduation

Last day to change your name for fall degree lists

15-18 Fall Term Reading Break
28 Last date to drop a fall term course without academic penalty. Courses dropped by this date will receive a 25% refund
31 Queen's General Bursary application due

SGSPA last day for completion/withdrawal for 50% Refund 

Date Deadline
Early November Queen’s Exchange Bursary open for applications for next year
5 Graduate students: Payment Plan (PPL) withdrawal date
11 Remembrance Day Service (classes cancelled 10:30 am–11:30 am)
11-17 Fall 2024 Convocation
15 Deadline to report a conflict/register for an exam accommodation
30 SGSPA last day for completion/withdrawal for 25% refund

Date Deadline
1 Fall term awards – second disbursement posted on SOLUS 
3 Fall term classes end
4-6 Fall term pre-examination study period
5 Graduate students: Payment Plan (PPL) withdrawal date
6 Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (all academic activity suspended)
7-21 Final exams in fall term classes and mid-year tests in multi-term classes
8 Major Admission Award application deadline

Applications for spring graduation open in SOLUS

9 Major Admission Award High School official nomination deadline
15 Alternative Payment Arrangement (APA) requests due for students not paying their winter tuition and Student Assistance Levy by January 10
Late Dec General Bursary decisions posted on SOLUS

Automatic confirmation of full-time enrolment begins on Full-time OSAP Applications to permit release of the winter term installment of OSAP funding; all/component of OSAP funding may apply to your tuition and education-related fees

Manual confirmation of enrolment begins on 2024-25 Full-time and Part-time Out-of-Province applications for the winter term; all funding is directed to the student’s personal bank account.

31 Fall Term Ends

Sessional Dates

This is the repository of the yearly official program sessional dates as submitted to the Senate Committee on Academic Development and Procedure (SCADP) for review / approval, and to the Queen's Senate for information:

Arts and Science (PDF, 105.2 KB)

Bader College (PDF, 79.4 KB)

Education (PDF, 70.6 KB)

Engineering and Applied Science (PDF, 81 KB)

Health Sciences – School of Medicine (PDF, 196.6 KB)

Health Sciences – School of Nursing (PDF, 316 KB)

Law (PDF, 206.7 KB)

School of Graduate Studies (PDF, 199.7 KB)

Smith School of Business – Commerce (PDF, 197.8 KB)

Smith School of Business – MBA, MFIN (PDF, 318 KB)

Arts and Science (PDF, 63.5 KB)

Bader College (PDF, 35 KB)

Education (PDF, 57.2 KB)

Engineering and Applied Science (PDF, 46.6 KB)

Health Sciences – School of Medicine (PDF, 42 KB)

Health Sciences – School of Nursing (PDF, 42.7 KB)

Law (PDF, 42.6 KB)

Religion (PDF, 37.6 KB) – now affiliated with the Faculty of Arts and Science (for information purposes only)

School of Graduate Studies (PDF, 40.2 KB)

Smith School of Business – Commerce (PDF, 42.5 KB)

Smith School of Business – MBA, MFIN, MIB, GDAP (PDF, 57 KB)

Archived Student Registration Guides