Our website features excerpts of the current issue. The entire content is available in the printed edition, for purchase via our Shopify subscription store.

Call to Submissions:

The Queen's Quarterly seeks submissions on any topic that presents a novel perspective and point of departure for thinking about our contemporary world. Whether fiction or non-fiction, a premium will be placed on singularity of voice, accessibility of ideas and relevance to issues of common concern. Honoraria are paid, editorial services are provided and the chance to kick-start a national conversation is on offer. Please contact or send submissions to Queen's Quarterly.

The Current Issue: Summer 2024 Vol. 131 No. 2

Summer 2024 - Queen's Quarterly

 Summer 2024 Vol. 131 No. 2


Cover images by Karen Hibbard.

Karen Hibbard is a visual artist/illustrator and teaches art at University of Victoria. She has a MFA from Concordia University. Her illustration work ranges from editorials for magazines to children’s picture books.



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Since 1893 the Queen’s Quarterly has published generous and accessible analysis, opinion and reflection in the guise of prose, poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, art and reportage. We’re looking for readers and writers curious and eager to share. If that sounds like you, please come and join us and bring your voice to the Canadian conversation.

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