Adolescent Dynamics Lab

In the Adolescent Dynamics Lab, we study the changes in the experience and expression of emotions that occur as children grow into adolescents.

In order to examine this adolescent transition, we employ a variety of research methods including questionnaires, computerized tasks, analysis of videotaped interactions between adolescents and parents or peers, and physiological activity such as heart rate.

Lab News

  • See our piece in The Conversation on parenting teens in the digital age (Oct 24, 2023)

  • Welcome to our newest ADL member: Xiaomei Li, PhD!

  • Welcome to our newest ADL member: Katie Faulkner!

  • Congratulations to Dr. Tiffany Tsui, on her successful defense and launch into the next chapter.

  • Welcome to our newest ADL member: James Vivian!

  • Congratulations to ADL post-doc Dr. Tyler Colasante for winning the Joint Initiative for Digital Citizen Research award, a collaborative initiative of the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

  • Congratulations to Dr. Kalee De France on completing her PhD and starting her post-doc at Concordia!

  • Welcome to our newest lab member, Vanessa Martin!

  • Welcome to our new Post-doc, Tyler Colasante!

  • Welcome to our newest lab member, Megan Wylie!

  • Congratulations to Kalee DeFrance for receiving the 2018 Michael Smith Award!

  • Regulation of Emotion Systems Survey and Scoring from DeFrance & Hollenstein, 2017 now posted on our Resources page.

  • Congratulations to Alexandra Tighe on completing her MSc!

  • New video about our Developmental Program

  • Congratulations to ADL alum Jess Lougheed, winner of the American Psychological Association Dissertation Award!

  • Congratulations to Kalee DeFrance, 2017 winner of prestigious Vanier Award!

  • Congratulations to Lauren Lin, the ADL summer NSERC fellowship researcher!

  • Congratulations to ADL Alum Jess Lougheed, winner of the SRCD Dissertation Award!

  • Congratulations to lab alum Dr. Jess Lougheed for her prestigious Banting Post-doctoral award for her pioneering research at Penn State with Pamela Cole and Nilam Ram!

  • Welcome to our newest ADL members: Alexandra Tighe (MSc1) and Vanessa Schell (PhD1)!

  • Congratulations to Dr. Jessica Lougheed on completing her PhD!

  • Congratulations to Natalie Brown, Stephanie Cheung, and Andrea Ianni, our 2016 NSERC summer fellowship students!

  • Congratulations to Dr. Dianna Lanteigne on her completion of her PhD!

  • NEW! Adolescent Dynamics Lab video for prospective students!

  • See Jess Lougheed's feature story by the School of Graduate Studies

  • Congratulations Kalee DeFrance winner of the 2015-2016 R.S. McLaughlin Fellowship!

  • Congratulations to Samantha Goldsmith, our 2015 NSERC summer fellowship student!

  • Congratulations to Kate Jackson, our 2015 USSRF summer fellowship student!

  • Welcome Tiffany Tsui, our newest Master's student!

  • Congratulations to Dianna Lanteigne for receiving an Ontario Mental Health Foundation Fellowship!

  • Congratulations to Andrew Shaw and Kate Jackson for receiving NSERC summer fellowships 2014!

  • Congratulations to Ellen O'Donoghue for receiving the USSRF summer fellowship 2014