Kalena McClosky
Kalena McClosky

What Engineering Discipline are you enrolled in and what has been the biggest lesson you have learnt so far?

I am in Applied Mathematics and Engineering, and the biggest lesson I have learned so far is that it takes work to be successful in Applied Mathematics. Making sure that you are doing the practice problems, looking through the textbook and actually going back to review lectures is important. I found that in first-year, I didn’t have a lot of strategies for independent learning, but I was a lot more successful last year using the ones I just mentioned.

What kind of extracurricular activities are you involved in at Queen’s?

My favorite kind of extracurricular activities here at Queen’s are the ones that involve leadership. Last year I was the Director of External Relations at the Engineering Society of Queen’s University. This year I am president of the Applied Math Discipline Club, and I am Vice President of Communications for ESSCO, which is an organization that plans events and advocates for all engineering students in Ontario.

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