Spencer Hill
Spencer Hill with Giusy Mazzone

University Medal in Mathematics and Engineering

Congratulations to Spencer Hill - awarded to a student who has the highest Grade Point Average for all courses of third and fourth years, provided the GPA is 3.5 or higher.

Ryan Simpson
Ryan Simpson with Giusy Mazzone

Annie Bentley Lillie Prize in Mathematics

Congratulations to Ryan Simpson - awarded to the graduating student in the program of Mathematics and Engineering who has the highest average on courses in Mathematics in final year.

J.S. Donnelly Award

Congratulations to Aidan Shimizu - awarded to acknowledge the continuing interest and dedication of the individual in and toward the general welfare, prosperity and reputation of the Engineering Society. This award is open to all members of the Engineering Society who currently are not members of the executive.

Peter Carty Memorial Award

Congratulations to Thomas Mulvihill - awarded to the engineering student who has contributed the most to the spirit and good reputation of the Queen's Engineering Society.

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