Academic Petitions & Appeals

The Academic Regulations for the Faculty of Arts and Science are designed to ensure that academic standards are upheld and that all students are treated fairly and equitably.

In general, with the exception of appeals related to final examinations, final grades, or non-academic misconduct where other criteria will apply, petitions and appeals are only granted where there are significantly extenuating circumstances, which would merit the waiving of a particular Faculty regulation or decision. Extenuating circumstances normally involve a significant physical or psychological event that is beyond a student’s control and debilitating to their academic performance. These kinds of extraordinary situations should be supported by official documentation from a health care practitioner or other relevant professional.

Petitions and appeals in the Faculty of Arts and Science are detailed in Academic Regulations and Appeal Regulations in the Calendar.

University Governing Policies

The Student Academic Appeals Policy (SAAP) and Rules of Procedure for USAB (University Student Appeals Board) are the Queen’s University Senate approved appeal policies upon which the Faculty of Arts and Science’s appeal regulations and processes are based. In the event that an inconsistency arises between these policies and the Arts and Science regulations, SAAP and USAB will supersede. 

Levels of Petition and Appeal in Arts and Science

There are three levels of petition/appeal within the Faculty of Arts and Science (instructor, Associate Dean (Academic) and Board of Studies) and one final level of appeal that is university-wide (USAB).

First level: Petitions to the Instructor

Two kinds of petitions can be made directly to instructors:

  • An informal review of a grade in a piece of course work (more info can be found via the Grade Review Process)
  • To request an exam deferral

First level (Faculty of Arts and Science): Petitions to the Associate Dean (Academic) 

Second level (Faculty of Arts and Science): Appeal of Associate Dean’s decision to the Board of Studies

Third level (University-wide): Appeal of Board of Studies’ decision to USAB

Petition and Appeal Deadlines

Petition for informal grade review to instructorRefer to course syllabus for class deadlines and instructions
Petition to add classes after the add deadline10 business days after the add deadline of term
Petition to waive a requirement to withdraw for one year/three years15 business days
Petition for late course drop, credit standing, Aegrotat standingWithin one year of the end of the term in which the class was offered (Note that students can drop a class themselves in SOLUS until the last day of classes for the term in which the class is offered)
Petition for extension of an incomplete grade or deferred exam beyond one termPrior to the deadline for the submission of the outstanding work/exam
Appeal for formal review of instructor’s decision on courseworkWithin 15 business days of receiving the instructor’s decision on the informal review
Appeal of Associate Dean’s decision on petition (to Board of Studies)Within 10 business days
Appeal of Board of Studies’s decision on appeal (to USAB)Within 2 weeks

Petition vs Appeal

Petition: A petition is a formal request made by a student to an instructor or the Associate Dean (Academic) for an exception, special consideration or standing (review a grade assigned, waive a drop deadline, waive a requirement to withdraw, apply Credit standing, for example.) The decision maker will review the request and render a decision to the student according to the relevant process and policies.

Appeal: An appeal is the next step of the process when a petition is denied. A formal request made by a student to apply for a review of a decision made by an instructor, Associate Dean or the Board of Studies to a higher tribunal.