Photograph of Katharine Romba

Katherine Romba

Assistant Professor

Department of Art History and Art Conservation

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Katherine Romba specializes in architectural history with an emphasis on modern architecture and urbanism. Cultural anthropology has informed her investigations into architectural theory, practice, and experience. Past research includes the study of the social meaning underpinning German engineering theory, and the analysis of humanist Bildung (cultivation) as an important kind of cultural capital circulating in German architectural thought, research that was funded in part by the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

Recent Publications

Iron Construction and Cultural Discourse: German Architectural Theory 1890-1918, (Saarbrücken: VDM), 2008.

"Aesthetics and the Professional Identity of the Modern German Engineer" In Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Construction History, Cambridge University, 29 March – 2 April 2006. Vol. 3. Edited by Malcolm Dunkeld et al., 2727-2741. Construction History Society, 2006.